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ai와 놀기

novel AI로 소설을 계속 써봤다

제목 : Crystal Dragon Encounter

The splendor before my eyes left me breathless, a vaulted ceiling painted with scenes from an ancient tale; tapestries that stretched across three walls depicting tales of heroes long dead.

However, as fate would have it, I was thoroughly distracted by the flurry of magic explosions obliterating my vision every time a magic spell hit its target: the dragon. After all, I was a mere human in the company of two magical beings, my companion Galena, a witch, and a fearsome crystal dragon. My presence here was not only an honor but also a grave danger.

"You know what to do, right?!" Galena shouted at me as she threw another fireball at the dragon's head.

I had been tasked with assisting Galena on this quest to save the world from the evil of a dragon. But how could I possibly help?

"What am I supposed to do?"

The dragon gave off an eerie glow that radiated from his body. He was terrifying. His immense size terrified me. And despite having Galena beside him, he still showed no fear of us. In fact, it seemed that we were the ones who were afraid to battle him.

"Use your magic."

"But I'm not a wizard!"

We were just trying to get through this mission without being killed or maimed.

long time ago, there is elf in the forest with crystal dragon.

my name is kara. i'm just a simple villager.

i don't know about magic and i've never seen any crystal dragon.

but i found something strange in the forest.

when i see it, i knew that it is dangerous and mysterious.

the crystal dragon's name is xeno. xeno is my friend but now is not.

he tried to eat me. he is really hungry.

but i will never let him win.

i cannot lose against him.

i want to be stronger than him. i don't want to die like him.

so i did run away and then we are fighting this dragon. this dragon like sad but i don't know why.

i feel sorry for him.

maybe if you are going to kill me, please take care of him.

a long time ago, there is elf in the forest with crystal dragon.

my name is kara. i'm just a simple villager.

i don't know about magic and i've never seen any crystal dragon.

but i found something strange in the forest.

when i saw it, i knew that it is dangerous and mysterious.


위에는 지난 글의 내용이고 아래부분이 새로운 내용.

엔진은 계속 에우테르페(나도 이게 뭔지 모른다) 로 하고

대신 장르만 텍스트 게임으로 해보기도 하고 드래곤으로도 해보고 그랬다.


크리스탈 드래곤과 계속 동문서답하느라 좀 수정을 했다.

주인공을 포션 장인으로 하고, 심잔 족속의 마지막 후손이라고 설정했다.

드래곤이 주인공의 포션을 원하는 건지 아니면 복수를 같이 하고 싶은건지 묻는다.

드래곤은 뭘 하고 싶은지 모르는 듯.... 주인공이 포션 만든다고 하면 자기도 만들 수 있다고 하고,

복수하자고 하니 지금 당장 복수하러 가자고 함.

주인공은 미쳤냐면서, 동료를 모은다고 한다. 드워프나 다크엘프나 파이어 드래곤등을 모으려고 한다. 그러자 드래곤은 

드워프는 거칠다고 한다. 그리고 주인공은 그게 뭔 관계냐고 한다.


중간 중간 텍스트 지우고 다시 쓰느라 힘들었다.

둘이 뭔 얘기를 할라고 하면 계속 싸울라고 해서 답답했다.

하여튼 트라이얼이다보니 메모리도 부족하고 똑같은 소리를 더 하는 것 같다.

돈 내면 그림도 그리고 소설도 더 잘 써줄까? 


이런 걸 보며 "AI가 인간 일자리 다 잡아먹네 제기랄 아이고" 이럴 수도 있다.

하지만 "이걸 어떻게 활용해볼까?" 고민해볼 수도 있다.

난 전자에 가까운 인간이지만 그래도 후자인 사람들이 더 잘 사는 것 같다.

난 나이지만 또한 후자의 모습 또한 동경한다. 그래서 좀 끄적여봤다.

하지만 좀 지치네. 

일단 관심을 갖고 지켜는 보자. 분명 AI를 활용한 뭔가를 할 수 있을 것이다.


아래는 소설 내용이다.




> You he is xeno and crystal dragon!

His name is Xeno. He has been following me around since the day I met him. There isn't much to tell about him. He's a big, blue crystal dragon. It seems that he wants to eat me. He keeps following me wherever I go. He even followed me here.

He's so annoying. I don't think it'd be too hard to sneak past him, though.

I'm a witch. I use magic. I can cast spells, and I can brew potions. I've never actually fought a monster before, but I'm sure I'll figure out how to handle him eventually.

A crystal dragon is a type of magical creature that uses mystical powers to defend itself.

> You can't control xeno because he is wizard better than you. and there are many mana in him.

In truth, I don't know exactly what the crystal dragon is capable of. I do know that it's powerful.

I mean, it's a crystal dragon.

But I'm not afraid.

I think he won't eat me. he just want to be my friend in my guess.

Xeno is really strong. but i can beat him.

Because he wont to be myfriend!

So, the crystal dragon is a type of magical creature that uses mystical powers to fight.

Here is some information on crystal dragons:

- Crystal dragons live deep in mountains and caves.

- They prefer dark places where they can hide easily.

I don't know why he like me because the crystal dragon like being alone.

Maybe he like me because I am a witch. Maybe he doesn't like other people.

Anyway, it's pretty obvious that I need to stop this dragon. The world needs to be protected from monsters like this one.

I've been studying magic for most of my life. I've studied with wizards. I've learned how to cast spells. I know a lot about magic. I know how to brew potions, too.

My potion was rumored to taste good. Maybe that's why this crystal dragon is chasing me. Or maybe it hurts somewhere. My potion was rumored to be a panacea.

The crystal dragon was once one of the wyverns of the great war. He was taken captive by the Simjans and made into a guardian. Now, the Simjan army has been destroyed, and the king must find a way to regain his throne.

But that's a lie. Because I'm the last Simjan person. But I don't want to ride that dragon. But I think we can talk.

I can't believe the Simjan army was destroyed! That means that the crystal dragon will attack the city of Parnast. We have to stop it.

The dragon is still following me.

> You ask "Excuse me, can you talk to me?"

"What do you want?"

"Galena and I have come to stop you. We need to stop the dragon."

"Your witch is weak. I am the strongest magical creature in the world."

> You ask "Yeah, I know I know! We do not want to fight you! you're very strong than us. we think we can cowork for one purpose! what do you want to me? what do you want to us?"

Xeno fall a sleep.

Xeno wake up.

Xeno say: "you're very strong. but i'm stronger. we can work together."

"Why are you following me?"

"Can't stop me."

> You ask "Do you want to drink my potion? there is many potion in my pocket. what do you want? love potion? fight potion? or anything else?"

you're so stupid.

i'm not a witch. i'm a wizard.

there are many magic in my pocket.

i can make any kind of potion.

i can change appearance, heal wound, strengthen muscles, increase intelligence, etc...

> You ask "So let's take revenge on Simjan together?"

"Fine. Let's do it."

"Wait, what?"

> You shout "Are you crazy? we are only three. but there is many enemies! you're so strong! but we are not! I think we need to get coworker! for example, Dwarf, dark elf, fire dragon and etc... do you agree!?"

"They're tough."

"That's not important."

> You yell "Dwarf can strongly upgrade our weapons!"

"Yes! So what are you doing?"

"I'm in the middle of a fight."

It took us a while to reach the cave where the crystal dragon was. We didn't want to risk getting eaten, after all.

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