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novel AI의 일러스트레이터가 난리가 났다 그래서 한 번 시작해보았다.

일러는 돈 내야 된다 그래서 튜토리얼을 해본 뒤 소설을 끄적여보았다.

나도 영어가 딸려서 번역기 돌리면서 봤다.

나름 흥미가 있는 소설 같다.


내용은 대충 이런 것 같다. 


주인공이랑 글레나라는 마법사(남자 마법사 주인공과 여자 마법사 주인공같음)가 크리스탈 드래곤이랑 싸우는 내용이다.

주인공이 아마도 엘프같다. 이름은 카라인 듯 하다. 카라와 드래곤은 친구였으나, 드래곤이 주인공을 잡아먹으려고 하면서 그렇지 못 하게 되었다.

주인공 일행과 싸우는 드래곤은 왠지 슬퍼보였다. 

만약 자신이 죽게 되면 드래곤을 잘 부탁한다고 한다.



음.... 내가 넣은 내용이 개떡같은 것도 있고

역시 AI라서 그런지 약간의 한계는 보인다.


영어를 좀 더 잘 했다면 재밌는 소설 하나 만들 수 있을 것 같다.

밑줄 친 부분이 내가 쓴 부분이다.



제목 : Crystal Dragon Encounter

The splendor before my eyes left me breathless, a vaulted ceiling painted with scenes from an ancient tale; tapestries that stretched across three walls depicting tales of heroes long dead.

However, as fate would have it, I was thoroughly distracted by the flurry of magic explosions obliterating my vision every time a magic spell hit its target: the dragon. After all, I was a mere human in the company of two magical beings, my companion Galena, a witch, and a fearsome crystal dragon. My presence here was not only an honor but also a grave danger.

"You know what to do, right?!" Galena shouted at me as she threw another fireball at the dragon's head.

I had been tasked with assisting Galena on this quest to save the world from the evil of a dragon. But how could I possibly help?

"What am I supposed to do?"

The dragon gave off an eerie glow that radiated from his body. He was terrifying. His immense size terrified me. And despite having Galena beside him, he still showed no fear of us. In fact, it seemed that we were the ones who were afraid to battle him.

"Use your magic."

"But I'm not a wizard!"

We were just trying to get through this mission without being killed or maimed.

long time ago, there is elf in the forest with crystal dragon.

my name is kara. i'm just a simple villager.

i don't know about magic and i've never seen any crystal dragon.

but i found something strange in the forest.

when i see it, i knew that it is dangerous and mysterious.

the crystal dragon's name is xeno. xeno is my friend but now is not.

he tried to eat me. he is really hungry.

but i will never let him win.

i cannot lose against him.

i want to be stronger than him. i don't want to die like him.

so i did run away and then we are fighting this dragon. this dragon like sad but i don't know why.

i feel sorry for him.

maybe if you are going to kill me, please take care of him.

a long time ago, there is elf in the forest with crystal dragon.

my name is kara.


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뭐가 문제인지 모르겠다.

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